Sunday, October 16, 2011

Matt Nordgren and Taylor Armstrong: Just Friends? or Friends With Benefits?

Last night I about peed in my pants when I found out Matt Nordgren and Taylor Armstrong were at Cattle Barron's Ball together (and by "together" I mean at the same event). I immediately logged onto Twitter, because that's where all the good news happens first, to verify this story and reported what I knew at the time about this sighting.

It wasn't 20 minutes after I hit "Publish" that Matt Nordgren called me to explain their "date" and give me his side of the story.  I woke up feeling a little bad about stirring the pot of reality TV gossip. And then... I saw this:

Now, Ron Corning is a TV host for WFAA's local morning show, Daybreak. A show that I just happen to appear on frequently. So, I texted Ron just now for more scoop and clarification on this statement. I am awaiting his response. Sort of negates everything Matt told me last night.  We shall see who is the liar, liar, pants on fire...

UPDATE (10/16 at 10:25 AM) Ron replied back that he didn't personally see fluids being exchanged but he heard about it from "reliable sources". So, that's kind of a wash. Could go either way on the truth.

Here's another little tidbit courtesy of Facebook:

Hmmm.  Ever hear the saying, "Don't believe anything you read and only half of what you see".  It seems to apply here.  I guess we'll have to "watch what happens" to see how this one plays out.

UPDATE (10/16 at 1:00 PM) 
Matt's Publicist just called to clarify some inaccuracies in my earlier post.  He wanted to make sure I understood the following:
  • Matt did not escort Taylor to Cattle Baron's. They arrived and left separately
  • Taylor was asked by Cattle Baron's "months ago" to attend the Gala.  WHY they would have asked her to participate months ago, I have no idea. Seems very random and totally odd.  I will be checking that claim out with the Host Committee
  • Matt did not cut his trip to LA short. Cattle Barron's is an event that Matt has attended for the past several years and he had planned on attending long before he knew Taylor was going
  • Matt denies any kissing occurred
Um, I think that covers the conversation.

Again, "Don't believe anything you read and only half of what you see" might pertain to this situation. I am just telling you what I see on the public worldwide web.  Don't kill the messenger.

UPDATE (10/18 at 2:45 PM) A credible source inside Cattle Baron's has informed me that "Taylor Armstrong was NOT invited to present an auction item or attend for free. Unless you want to call getting an underwriting contract an invitation to participate as a celebrity?"   That's what I thought.