Last night we went to Kaboom Town. This is the Town of Addison's big fireworks extravaganza.
Our friend's, Cenote and Venus, have a friend named George who has an aviation business out at Addison Airport (where they shoot off all the fireworks). George has an annual cookout in his shop at the hangar so we got to tag along.
Our friend's, Cenote and Venus, have a friend named George who has an aviation business out at Addison Airport (where they shoot off all the fireworks). George has an annual cookout in his shop at the hangar so we got to tag along.
We got out there around 6 o'clock and it was H-O-T. George had the grill fired up and there was a mountain of hamburgers, bratwursts, chicken, hotdogs, etc. He had several of those huge 5 ft. fans around the shop so it wasn't that bad inside. But if you were outside in the sun - whew!

National Anthem played, the boys struck a proper pose.
There was a gaggle of kids there and the boys struck up a tag football game. They played ball for about two hours. Only took a break to eat. They had a ball because we let them have all the sodas and cupcakes and cookies they wanted. Heaven.
When the sun went down, we watched a fantastic fireworks show. It was about 30 minutes long and set to Patriotic songs. Everyone had a wonderful time. I felt proud to be an American and it was lovely to spend the evening with friends!