This is a perfect example of why I generally believe that something old is better than something new. There are a couple of these extravagant entrances into neighborhoods in Park Cities - two actually, that I know of. They serve no real purpose other than to give you something pretty to look at as you enter a neighborhood. I have never in all my years, actually seen someone pausing to rest a spell on one of these fine benches, for they sit right on busy streets. But I can imagine that when they were built, way back when, there were far fewer cars on the roads and far fewer houses on the streets - so maybe they were actually used a gathering points for neighbors to commune.
Who knows. But they are awfully pretty to look at now, as I whiz past in my car.
About this blog: What is Oh So Cynthia? It’s a Mom Blog about life in Dallas. You can call me a Mommy Blogger, but I prefer Social Media Mommy. Posts on this blog reflect the experiences of my life in Dallas and Park Cities, product reviews and my thoughts on parenting boy in this hi-tech, fast-paced world.