I L-O-V-E that Texas State Fair. I love the fried foods. I love the white-trash people watching. I love Big Tex. I love the Midway. I look forward to the Fair all year long. We picked up Little Man and his friend, Jacob, Tuesday from school and took them down to the Fair for an evening of fun. The weather was fabulous. Low 80's with a breeze. and - BONUS - it was half-price rides night! Whoo-hoo!

Fair Panorama

Jacob (purple lane, 3d from the right) and Little Man (red lane, 2nd from the right)
fly down the giant slide

Okay, so let's get down to business. I tried a couple of the new fried foods. Hands down favorite was the Fried Smores. So good. Not so great, was the Fried Grilled Cheese. It just tasted like a grilled cheese sandwich. And who wants to waste their Fair appetite on that?
Overall, another fantastic year at the Fair.