Venus made an adorable Little Bo Peep. And her dog, Tooney, was her sheep. How cute is this!? All hand-made by Diana - genius! Diana was a Elvira-like Mistress of the Night with spiders in her hair and long black finger-nails. We decided that we looked too good to not be admired so the three of us went to Patrizio's in Highland Park Village for a cocktail.
Turns out that many men have a Little Bo Peep fantasy because Venus was getting fawned over like you would not believe. Of course, this is how men react to her in every day life, so I don't know why I am surprised it was any different in a costume... A HP cop who was patrolling the shopping center even came up to us and said, "Do you want me to patrol your house tonight to make sure you ladies are safe? You know I've always had a fantasy about Little Bo Peep." To which Venus retorts, "Well, let me tell you about my cop fantasy..." Made the guy (who was all of 25) blush 6 shades of red. It was a hoot.
Cenote dressed up like a White Trash guy. This is his costume every year. It gives him an excuse to walk around with a beer while the kids trick-or-treat. And he talks all crazy and freaks the kids out because they can't really tell if it's a costume or not. He loves it.

Diana's piste resistance this year was ET's costume. Obi Won Kenobi from Star Wars. I was ooh'ing and aah'ing over it and asked her if she'd made it from a pattern. She said she took a pair of his pajama's and used those as a guide. Seriously? That is impressive.