Okay, he's my only Uncle. But I'm quite sure that even if I had a baker's dozen, he would still be my very favorite. He moved to New Zealand last year and is now a Kiwi. Funny enough, I think we are in touch more now than we were when he lived here in the States.

Taken approx. 1956/57 with my Grandfather (Robert's Father) Dr. Robert K.
One of my best family memories involves Robert. Over Christmas holiday in 1988, my family went to Colorado to visit Robert and my Aunt Karen. We went skiing at Winter Park (I think). I have great memories of that trip: the snow, the skiing, playing video games and cards. Just hanging out and having a great time laughing and joking.
Check out Robert with that ancient video gaming system. Me and my sister ham it up for the camera. Snow Bunnies Extraordinaire!
So, here's to the coolest Uncle I know. I hope you have a great Birthday Roberty!