On Friday, I got to meet up with the North Texas Chevy Dealers, CBS radio personalities from Jack FM, KLUV and KVIL, all the marketing peeps and the 4 other Mommy Bloggers who are participating in the new Mommy Madness DFW promotion.

Listen, everyone who knows me, knows that I L-O-V-E my mini-van. But, I have a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad feelin' that at the end of this 8 week promotion, Kenny's going to be able to talk me into buying this car.
We were supposed to have a little par-tay up on the roof of CBS Radio and be presented with the cars - and then it poured rain. So, we had to have our handing-over-of-the-keys in the parking garage. Not quite as glamorous. But, what can you do!
Just a reminder that the promotional site goes live tomorrow -Monday, April 20. Over the course of the next 8 weeks, I will be blasting my list of friends, acquaintances and anyone who's given me their e-mail address to vote for me as your "Favorite Mom".

Jenn, Sherah (and Ryland), Me, Donna and Brooke (with Temperance)
Feel free to check out the other Moms who are in this with me. We are all very different and it should be interesting to see the kinds of posts and webisodes that go up!