Since February, five women have reported being robbed by an armed man while in or near their cars. Four of the five were in daylight. The crimes have occured in the "M Streets" district of Dallas.
The latest incident occurred about Wednesday as a 35-year-old woman backed her SUV into an alley from her driveway. Two of her children, ages 7 and 9, were inside. A man approached and pointed what was later found to be a fake handgun at her, demanding the 2005 green Ford Expedition, police said. He entered the SUV and began to drive away with the two children. The children were released within a few blocks.

When you will steal a car with TWO CHILDREN inside - that's a desperate man. Or he's all hopped up on hoobie goobies. Either way, it's a bad situation. Then, tonight, I get a call from one of my best friends who lives in Preston Hollow (where George W. Bush just moved). Her house got broken into earlier today. They hopped an 8-foot fence and broke in through her kitchen window. Took her computer, Playstation 3, all of her jewelry, all of their DVDs (which I thought was an odd thing to bog yourself down with) and her six year old son's cash box that had $45 in it. Poor little guy was devastated.
We've had a rash of car and home break-ins in my neighborhood of Park Cities.
Is this a sign of the recession? Are people getting more and more desperate as unemployment rises?Be safe out there folks. And hide your jewelry. Mine's not in my closet... anymore.