"I do not always love attending my son's sporting events. "
There. I said it.
Out loud.
Especially baseball. The 2 minutes Little Man is up to bat, I find thrilling and exceptionally wonderful. The next 30 minutes I have to wait until he's up to bat again, I find excruciatingly dull. I like your kids. I really do. But I am not the least bit interested in their development and progress. I could care less about their home runs and caught pop flies. I want to see MY son play.
Thus my loathing of baseball. On other sports like basketball and football, even if he doesn't have the ball - at least he's on the field and has an opportunity to make a play and that makes it interesting because you never know what's going to happen. In baseball, not so much. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Does that make me a bad Mother. Nah. It just makes me an honest person.