At Operation Kindness, I saw Sky: a 2 yr. old Pug/Peekanese mix that Randy deemed "too small". Tootie was a 4 yr. old Beagle mix that was super sweet, but just didn't quite grab me.
Lots of dogs, but not the perfect one for us. Any suggestions on where I should look next??? In case your next question is "What kind of dog are you looking for?" Here's my criteria:
- not a puppy and not too old. Preferable between 1-4 years old.
- we have a very small yard, so this will be primarily an indoor dog. So it needs to be a laid-back, chilled out dog. Not a Lab or a Collie or anything big that needs a big yard to run around in.
- not a small, yappy lap-dog. No offense if you have one... we just want something a bit more substantial.
Little Man said, "Mom, I just want a dog that's perfect for a little boy." That, my friends, is what I'm on the hunt for. And I have ONE Week until he comes home from camp looking for it to be here.
So, fire off your favorite Dallas-area shelter or suggestions! Thanks!
UPDATE 7/18: Day Two's search fared no better. Who knew it would be so hard to find a dog! I've seen big dogs and little dogs, yappy dogs and deep ruff'ing dogs, fluffy dogs and short-haired dogs. Yet, nothing has grabbed me yet. The hunt continues tomorrow...