The invitation stated,
"Come dressed in your derby finest and hats are definitely welcome. Where else can you watch horse racing in air-conditioned comfort, while looking down on the finish line from your table. A delicious buffet awaits you and beverages will be served at your table.
If horse racing is not your thing, the people watching is spectacular and there are unique and exciting silent auction items to view and bid on and between races you can bid on priceless live auction item"

Our friends who invited us to attend as their guests were very excited to tell us that Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison was sitting right behind us. I had to break it to them, that it was NOT Kay Bailey Hutchison, but real estate maven Doris Jacobs (and her legendary helmet hair) at the table in question (you can see her in the photo above in the right-hand corner in the leopard jacket).

I'm not a big gambler, but Randy and our friends took great delight in scouring the programs for the best horses and placing bets.
We were up, we were down, and I think we ended up pretty much where we started - so all in all it was a very fun way to spend the day!