So, being the good sister that I am, I said, "How about I come out for a few days and hang out with you?". Thus a girls trip was born.

From the minute I hit DFW Airport, a sense of zen-like calm came over me. The thought of having three whole days with no Mom/Wife responsibilities was intoxicating.
The flight to Vegas was awesome! I somehow ended up in first-class, so I had a large, comfy seat and an attendant to bring me a hot towel for my hands and warm coconut macadamia nut cookies to much on. Suh-weet.
With no internet service, I had nothing to do for three hours but read magazines. Do you know what a treat that is!? I languished over each page with rapt pleasure, like an alcoholic who's savoring his last cocktail.
Hello, lover... it's been a while.

We went over to the MGM Grand and had dinner at a great sushi restaurant called, Shibuya. She surprised me with tickets to go see the Cirque du Soliel show, Ka.
The show was great. All Cirque du Soleil are amazing. It wasn't my favorite of all the CdS shows I've seen, but it had some great elements.
The stage could raise and lower and tilt an rotate 360 degrees in any angle. So, it tilted up and over and sideways and the actors had to use props to perform and not fall off. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean. Super cool. I think it was the whole Japanese war story angle that didn't grab me. But it was definitely entertaining.
That was all the excitement we could handle for one day, so we scurried off to bed. Rihanna's staying at our hotel, so tomorrow, we will be looking for her pool-side. More to come...