I know you've heard the saying that everything is bigger and better in Texas. Well pardner, that is true. And "graduation" from Bradfield Elementary School is no different. We don't just pass kids from the 4th grade and move 'em along to Middle School here in the Park Cities. Noooooooo. We make a month-long celebration out of it. Parties! Balloons! Parties! Streamers! More Parties!
Bradfield Graduation (Part 1): The Skate Party
Because one of my bestest friends was in charge of the Skate Party, I got roped into chaperoning the event. This meant taking charge of Little Man's class, getting them on the bus going to the Skating Rink and getting them home. Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, there were 2 classes on each bus, so about 45 kids. 45 kids who, I swear, were hopped up on hoobie goobies and koolaid. They were bouncing on their seats, bounding up and down the aisles, pulling each other's hair, throwing spit balls at each other.
There was this one kid, who's the Spawn of Satan, who was determined to use the bathroom on the bus. Not because he really had to go - but just because there was a bathroom on the bus. That was the longest 20 minute ride of my life...

Did you go to the skating rink as a kid? In my small hometown, it was one of the few things to do when you were a little kid. In 6-7th grade it was THE hangout. I learned to smoke in the girls bathroom of the skating rink from Karen Schmidt - who now swears she never taught me such a thing. But she did, with ciggies she stole out of her Mom's purse. But don't tell that story to my son.

The great thing about the skating rink is that it's like a time warp. They still have the same shag carpet on the walls, and the same linoleum on the snack bar floor, and they are still playing all the great rock classics like "I Love Rock 'N Roll" by Joan Jett, "Lovin' Touchin; Squeezin' " by Journey, "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams... with the occasional Britney Spears or Justin Beiber song thrown in to bring it in to the current millennium.
Bradfield Graduation (Part 1): The Skate Party
Because one of my bestest friends was in charge of the Skate Party, I got roped into chaperoning the event. This meant taking charge of Little Man's class, getting them on the bus going to the Skating Rink and getting them home. Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, there were 2 classes on each bus, so about 45 kids. 45 kids who, I swear, were hopped up on hoobie goobies and koolaid. They were bouncing on their seats, bounding up and down the aisles, pulling each other's hair, throwing spit balls at each other.
There was this one kid, who's the Spawn of Satan, who was determined to use the bathroom on the bus. Not because he really had to go - but just because there was a bathroom on the bus. That was the longest 20 minute ride of my life...

Did you go to the skating rink as a kid? In my small hometown, it was one of the few things to do when you were a little kid. In 6-7th grade it was THE hangout. I learned to smoke in the girls bathroom of the skating rink from Karen Schmidt - who now swears she never taught me such a thing. But she did, with ciggies she stole out of her Mom's purse. But don't tell that story to my son.

The great thing about the skating rink is that it's like a time warp. They still have the same shag carpet on the walls, and the same linoleum on the snack bar floor, and they are still playing all the great rock classics like "I Love Rock 'N Roll" by Joan Jett, "Lovin' Touchin; Squeezin' " by Journey, "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams... with the occasional Britney Spears or Justin Beiber song thrown in to bring it in to the current millennium.