SMC brings in book authors and speakers to talk about new platforms and applications and talk about their books... and there is always drinks. Which makes almost anything more fun.
Last Thursday's event was at the Magnolia Theater in West Village.

It was a full house, which made it difficult to get a drink. I don't think they believed us when we said we'd have 150 people there because they only had one bartender. Seriously? But, the drinks were free so I guess you can't really complain.
Erik, if you hadn't noticed by looking at his picture, is tall. Really tall. Like, basketball player tall. He made me feel like a midget. I liked it.
You don't see a lot of men over 6'2" in Dallas. Must be something in our water that makes men short around here. So, to see this long, tall drink of water was a little unexpected.
Erik was very engaging and had some fun cartoons and music that made his PowerPoint presentation humorous and fun. Good info and some thought-provoking commentary. Good stuff.
There was a "tweet up" afterward. A mixer for those of you not familiar with Twitter-lingo. But it was way crowded at Lemon Bar and I was starving so I bailed and met up with my boys for some dinner and we caught the last half of the NBA Finals.
By the way, if you haven't seen this video, take 4 minutes and watch it. If you still don't get what all the fuss is about social media... this might make you think twice about it's value.