I've noticed a particular phenomenon in Park Cities, Texas. FLAGS. It's like a tattoo, for your house. A symbol that shouts (waves, really) to the world your identity and loyalty to a particular college, state, country or club. It says in no uncertain terms, "This is who lives here and if you don't like it go fly a kite, 'cuz we're waving a flag!"!"

You can see lots and lots of college flags. Big schools, small schools. All states are represented.
But the flag you'll see most of all in Park Cities is for U.T. - Hook 'em Horns!
I also like the duo-school flags for married couples who attended different colleges. A clever way to support your partner without having to sacrifice your individual school spirit.
No matter who you are or what you like - there's a flag for it! Do you have a flag outside your house? What does your flag say about you?
For those of you who live outside the area, University Park and Highland Park are together called Park Cities. Citizens of these fabled Texas towns are called "Parkies". Hence, my weekly fun feature which I call "Parkie Pic of the Week" in which I like to highlight an unusual or spectacular feature of my neighborhood.
Click on any photo to enlarge it and enjoy in greater detail.
Highland Park High School has it's own flag of yellow and blue. Go Scots!
This family gets an A+ for patriotism on all levels.
You can see lots and lots of college flags. Big schools, small schools. All states are represented.
No matter who you are or what you like - there's a flag for it! Do you have a flag outside your house? What does your flag say about you?
For those of you who live outside the area, University Park and Highland Park are together called Park Cities. Citizens of these fabled Texas towns are called "Parkies". Hence, my weekly fun feature which I call "Parkie Pic of the Week" in which I like to highlight an unusual or spectacular feature of my neighborhood.
Click on any photo to enlarge it and enjoy in greater detail.