"Why would you feature this house?" you might ask yourself. There's nothing that jumps out at you as being overly special about it. It looks like a house that might be on your block or any other.

Until, you turn your head to the right and the left of the house.
For those of you who live outside the area, University Park and Highland Park are together called Park Cities. Citizens of these fabled Texas towns are called "Parkies". Hence, my weekly fun feature which I call "Parkie Pic of the Week" in which I like to highlight an unusual or spectacular feature of my neighborhood.

Until, you turn your head to the right and the left of the house.
It's not the house itself but these two magnificent trees on either side of it that I swooned over.
Each one of them is probably 2-stories tall. The magnolia to the left of the house just drew me to it. The little kid inside me wanted to scramble right up those branches! And the oak tree to the right of the house was a magnificent creature, spreading its canopy over the lawn like a genteel umbrella. Who wouldn't want to sip on a glass of sweet tea after a hard days work while gently rocking in that swing?
Heaven... What makes a great home is more than just the house.
Each one of them is probably 2-stories tall. The magnolia to the left of the house just drew me to it. The little kid inside me wanted to scramble right up those branches! And the oak tree to the right of the house was a magnificent creature, spreading its canopy over the lawn like a genteel umbrella. Who wouldn't want to sip on a glass of sweet tea after a hard days work while gently rocking in that swing?
Heaven... What makes a great home is more than just the house.
For those of you who live outside the area, University Park and Highland Park are together called Park Cities. Citizens of these fabled Texas towns are called "Parkies". Hence, my weekly fun feature which I call "Parkie Pic of the Week" in which I like to highlight an unusual or spectacular feature of my neighborhood.
Click on any photo to enlarge it and enjoy in greater detail.