Monday, December 27, 2010

Hell is a 1,000 Piece Puzzle on Christmas Day

The day started out like most every other Christmas Day celebration around my house.
We woke up and got coffee and hot chocolate...

Then we tore into the presents...

After a big brunch, we headed out to the annual Father/Son Football Game at Fairfax Park.  It was freezing cold and we only lasted about an hour.

Then everyone headed over to Cenote Steve & Venus* house for Dragon Chili and the fixin's.  She had on holiday movies all over the house, like Scrooged with Bill Murray.

*code names are used to protect the innocent and those who have an irrational fear of being talked about on the internet

There was wine (a lot of wine). And champagne. And beer.

The adults decided to teach the boys how to play Texas Hold 'Em...

And then..... my friend pulls out this puzzle of old Pepsi ads. 1,000 pieces of seemingly innocent fun...

SIX HOURS, four bottles of wine, 3 bottles of champagne and endless bowls of chili later we finally finished the damn thing at 11:30 PM. Everyone was so tired but we had gotten so far that we were determined to finish it.  DETERMINED! If I never see another Pepsi logo again, it will be too soon.

Next year, I so know what I am getting them for Christmas...