Thursday, December 8, 2011

VOTE Oh So Cynthia the Best Blogger in Dallas

Apparently, there's this website company called City Voter and they create polls that allow people to vote on their favorite businesses.   They are running such a poll for Dallas called Dallas A List and it was brought to my attention that I have been nominated in the Local Media category for Best Blogger.

Now, I have no idea what this City Voter site is or what this whole contest thing is about. What I do know, is if there is a competition, I am in it to win it.  I will gladly take any bogus title someone cares to hand me.

I am currently in 4th place after websites about how to make crafts and knitting?! Oh, hell to the no! This will not do. The food website, I could live with, but I am not losing to damn site about yarn. Not again.

So, I need all my people to show me some love by clicking this link and giving me your VOTE!

You have to sign-up to vote, which I know is kind of irritating, but the sign-up is quick and easy. You can connect using Facebook or Twitter and it will take seconds.  You can only vote once, so don't worry... I won't be berating you every day with requests. The good news - or bad news, depending on how you look at it - is that I can SEE who voted.  And for those who show me love, the love will be returned.  I'm not saying how or when... but I am just sayin'.