Someone said to me recently, "Your Rolodex must be amazing!" to which I replied, "You know, it kind of is!" I have met many incredible people in the past year and I am convinced, now more than ever, that Dallas is one of the greatest cities in the world!
I asked some of Dallas' most famous faces to reflect back and tell me what they most enjoyed about this holiday season and if they have set a New Year's Resolution for themselves. For the past week, I have brought you their stories. I hope you have enjoyed this series and have made some goals for yourself in 2012. Most of them we probably won't keep, but it's always good to at least think about them, even if you promptly forget what it is you were supposed to be working on.
I thought I would end this series with my own glance back at this Christmas.
"My favorite thing about this Christmas holiday is that my son was out of school, which means I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock for TWO WEEKS. That's been heaven.
And because there were no events happening for me to cover, I haven't shaved my legs for a week! Ah, life is good. I got a fabric steamer from Santa that I am beyond excited about. (You know you're getting old when you are excited about practical gifts.)
We spent Christmas Day at the Gaylord. We leisurely grazed the massive buffet while enjoying a live band crooning holiday tunes, then shivered through the ICE exhibit. The hotel was gloriously decked out in holly and tinsel and it was a fun, family day to be sure!
Oh, and my New Years Resolution, is that my son is going to walk our dog every day. He's just so happy about that."
Become a Fan on Facebook and follow Cynthia on Twitter.
I asked some of Dallas' most famous faces to reflect back and tell me what they most enjoyed about this holiday season and if they have set a New Year's Resolution for themselves. For the past week, I have brought you their stories. I hope you have enjoyed this series and have made some goals for yourself in 2012. Most of them we probably won't keep, but it's always good to at least think about them, even if you promptly forget what it is you were supposed to be working on.
I thought I would end this series with my own glance back at this Christmas.
Cynthia Smoot
Oh So Cynthia
"My favorite thing about this Christmas holiday is that my son was out of school, which means I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock for TWO WEEKS. That's been heaven.
And because there were no events happening for me to cover, I haven't shaved my legs for a week! Ah, life is good. I got a fabric steamer from Santa that I am beyond excited about. (You know you're getting old when you are excited about practical gifts.)

Oh, and my New Years Resolution, is that my son is going to walk our dog every day. He's just so happy about that."
Become a Fan on Facebook and follow Cynthia on Twitter.