Monday, May 21, 2012

Casting Call: Nike is looking for basketball players for a new commercial

Nike is casting for a Nike Brand Jordan commercial that will be filmed in both Beijing China and Dallas.  The Dallas portion will shoot June 16th - 19th.  They will be recreating numerous basketball games (college, Olympic and NBA).  The majority of the game action will be filmed at the American Airlines Center.

They need to find basketball players to fill these basketball roles: Chinese/Asian, African-American and Caucasian basketball players.  You should be 18 - 30yrs old and be able to play at college level.  They CANNOT hire any player who is currently on a basketball scholarship at any university due to eligibility issues.  All players will be paid to appear in our commercial.

There is going to be an open call Thursday, May 24th in Dallas from 3pm - 8:30pm at Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center, 5150 Mark Trailway, Dallas, Texas  75232
1. Come ready to play - no sign up needed.
2. You MUST play ball at the college level (but not currently on a basketball scholarship). 
3. You will only be there for 30-45 minutes - not the entire time.
Should you have any additional questions please email