
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Big Rich Texas stars gather to celebrate the engagement of Melissa Poe

Friday evening, friends and cast members of Melissa Poe gathered at Dee Lincoln's Bubble Bar to celebrate her engagement to Doug Carson.  The couple glowed when talking about their upcoming September 20 nuptials. The wedding will be an intimate affair with a honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas.  Big Rich Texas cast members Connie Dieb, Wendy Walker, Bon Blossman and DeAynni Hatley attended the cocktail soiree. Missing from the party was BRT star Cindy Davis, who was involved in some real life drama last week (not the scripted kind we see on BRT) when her boyfriend was shot right in front of her during a dispute.  NBC5 has the story here.  Thankfully, he is going to make a full recovery but Cindy was unable to make the party.

To see photos from the evening, click HERE.

Doug Carson & Melissa Poe
In lighter news, Bon Blossman told me that she has obtained the proper paperwork that will allow her to officiate the October 31 wedding ceremony of her daughter, Whitney Whatley to Brandon Overbey.  The couple recently gave birth to a daughter, named Rhythm Myer Overbey.

Fans will be able to follow Whitney on her journey from wild child to new mom on Big Rich Texas: Whitney's Having a Baby, coming this fall to Style Network.  I feel quite certain that cameras will be rolling at the wedding and I will also be there to bring you all the details.

And lastly, I can't sign off without pointing out the mystery woman in the photo above... The buzz is that the show is overhauling the cast and most of the current members will not be returning to the series. So, who is staying and who is going? What I know, I can't yet say, but I can tell you that the mystery lady in the photo is most likely going to be on the new season. Last year Style claimed they wanted to class the show up. Based on what I know about the new cast additions, they have reversed that philosophy and are going for good 'ole cat-fighting, back stabbing, lying, cheating, classless drama. Should make for good TV.