
Monday, August 19, 2013

Dallas Dweller: Candy Evans

Dallas is full of colorful characters. There are those you see monthly in the society pages, whose stories are legendary in this town. But, this feature is inspired by the people that I think you should know more about because of their fabulous style, interesting back-story or amazing accomplishments.  Dallas Dweller seeks to introduce you to these fabulous faces.  I met Candy Evans through my work at D Magazine in 2006. I was hired by Phyllis Cole (now Publisher at CultureMap ) to help them launch their new business publication, D CEO. Candy had already been there for years and was the main writer for D Home. Her infections laugh and vivacious personality made her irresistible to me. Even though we've both moved on to stake our claim in the digital world of media, we still have lunch on a regular basis to gossip and talk tech.

Candy Evans

Born in Chicago, educated at Wheaton, Dartmouth and Columbia, Candace Evans moved to Texas with her husband, Walter, so he could complete his OB/GYN residency at Parkland Hospital. Evans had majored in English and ended up working at WBBM-TV in Chicago and KDFW-TV in Dallas.

She started writing for D Magazine in 1981, left a few years later to stay at home with her two babies (Walter, Jr. and Cassie) and in 2002 she returned to the magazine world full time. Always fascinated with real estate, it was her idea to start a local real estate blog at D Magazine in 2007, right before George W. Bush moved back to Dallas. The market was HOT! Blogs were HOT and thus the D Magazine blog "Dallas Dirt" was born.

In 2010, she decided to strike out on her own and revamped her concept as Candy's Dirt.  Through the site, Evans says she "strives to offer readers House Porn, celebrity real estate, neighborhood profiles, what’s hot/what’s not, sales insight, Realtor profiles, new developments, the “f” word (um, foreclosures, what were you thinking?), builder talk, real estate news and consumer Q&A’s. We showcase great listings, help them break away from the noise. Come tax appraisal time, we have The Tax Doctor right here. We even have a real estate attorney on staff for the really tough questions. Updated daily, reported accurately for the real estate consumer, and always spiced with dish from readers and local experts, is a daily fix for anyone who wants to know about real estate in Dallas/Fort Worth"

Walter and Candy Evans with their son, Tres at his wedding earlier this year

She has also created another website called Second Shelters, focusing on the vacation and second home market.  Hang onto your hats because Evans is currently working on creating a reality show called Real Deal Dallas.  Those who know Candy may recall that in March of 2012, she released a sizzle reel of the original show concept, which had her working as a real estate agent trying to buy and sell in the Dallas high-end market. There were many in the industry that had their panties all bunched up over the idea of Candy portraying herself as a realtor (even though she DOES have her license), so you will be happy to know that the new and improved concept currently being shopped to networks has a brand new twist. I am sworn to secrecy on the details, but I think everyone will be happy.

Rapid Fire Q&A with Candy Evans

Evans is a fierce animal lover and activist
When you need some "me" time to relax, where do you go or what do you do to relax and recharge?
I go to Cooper Fitness Center to work out, sweat, and grab an occasional massage. I also love the spa at the Ritz Carlton Dallas. Love goofing off with my daughter, Cassie, a lawyer in town. Movies are my favorite way to spend a Friday night or even the afternoon of Thanksgiving! When my son is in town, we go shooting… talk about stress release!

What are your favorite restaurants?
Love Cafe R&D for lunch at the Plaza at Preston Center, Al Biernets, anything with the name Abraham Salum on it, and please take me to dinner at Fearings for anything special… just take me!

Where are your favorite places to shop?
Oh my: Neimans, Neimans and Neimans. I love Lululemon and Vince in Palo Alto, CA where my god daughter styles, and Lilly Pulitzer in Southlake Town Square.

What's your favorite Dallas festival?
The USA Film Festival, of course - I’m incoming President. I also LOVE the annual Greek Food Festival. Opa!

What do you think makes Dallas such a great place to live, work and raise a family? 
The homes, of course. When I saw Dallas for the very first time I could not believe the spaciousness of the green yards and the cul de sacs - perfect for bikes. I felt a connection to the way I had grown up with space and the outdoors and a place you could build a fort or a lemonade stand. Look at the Park Cities, kids are everywhere! Now we have a great Arts District, Museums, lakes and the Hill Country just a few hours away by car, go back east or west from DFW in less than four hours. I LOVE New York, but it’s so congested it gives me a headache sometimes.

Tell me something about yourself that most people don't know.
Well… I am a bit of a nerd, I played violin for years and was in a symphony orchestra. I worked in TV, but don’t watch it.  I’m addicted to Celebrity thumbprints.  I am extremely compulsive and will scrub my floors on hands and knees.  I have wild, curly hair and my housekeeper blows it out for me so I can sit in front of the computer and BLOG!!!!!