
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Was Ellen DeGeneres Knocking On Cheryl "Action" Jackson's Door?

A video posted by Ellen (@theellenshow) on

Two of my favorite people on the planet are in this clip: Ellen DeGeneres and Cheryl "Action" Jackson. Both are amazing women who inspire others, both give endlessly of themselves to others, both have a wicked sense of humor and both have hearts the size of Texas. Ellen DeGeneres you already know all about: TV talk show host, actress, humanitarian, spokesperson. If you don't know Cheryl, let me introduce you.

Cheryl "Action" Jackson
Cheryl “Action” Jackson discovered her life’s mission through unforeseen adversity and setbacks. From being homeless and hungry to providing almost 4 million meals to families through Minnie’s Food Pantry, a charity dedicated in honor of her mother, Minnie Ewing.

Minnie’s Food Pantry values and esteems families by providing a “red carpet” experience when they come onsite to receive food. An award-winning philanthropist, she frequently travels across the country sharing first-hand accounts and awe-inspiring stories to thousands on the criticality of taking action and living on purpose!

America fell in love with Jackson when her team became the first winners on the hit game show series, The American Bible Challenge and later as a contestant on Deal or No Deal. Cheryl has also made national appearances on The Talk, The Marriage Ref, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer and the AP Oprah Farewell reel. She was even interviewed by the incomparable, Dr. Maya Angelou! Recently, Jackson was honored on Good Morning America and the megastar Rihanna and Jim Parsons came to work side by side with Jackson at Minnie’s Food pantry. She is a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight and a writer for the Huffington Post. Jackson authored a memoir of her journey in the book “What in the World Are You Doing?” Jackson resides in Texas with her husband of 30 years. She is a proud mother and grandmother. But at the end of the day, Cheryl’s critical mission is to be the voice for the hungry and to educate the world on how to treat someone that needs something as simple as a meal. You can catch Cheryl and myself on The Cheryl "Action" Jackson  Show every Saturday morning on Verizon/Ch. 27 talking about the work that Minnie's Food Pantry is doing and what's happening around Dallas.

Tune in to NBC5 this afternoon - Wednesday, May 11 at 3:00 PM to see why Ellen was ringing Cheryl's door...

UPDATE: After years of trying to get tickets to the show, Ellen DeGeneres finally decided to surprise Cheryl and her family with tickets to the show AND $10,000 for Minnie's Food Pantry. The family will fly to Los Angeles this Fall to attend a live taping of The Ellen Show next season. Congrats, Cheryl!