
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Real Housewives Of Dallas Prep For Season One Reunion

Fans and critics of the Real Housewives of Dallas have been speculating on the life span of the franchise pretty much from the minute casting was announced. The show has hobbled through its first season with lackluster ratings, making a second season seem questionable at this point. Well, I have good news and bad news on this topic. The good news is that a Season One Reunion is taking place! Today, tweets from Tiffany Hendra and LeeAnne Locken confirm what I've been hearing for weeks and Andy Cohen took to Facebook to ask for questions:

OSC's Cynthia Smoot with Andy Cohen at the Watch What
Happens Live studios on May 2, 2016
The bad news is that Andy Cohen will NOT be visiting Dallas to film the reunion (as is the norm). Which really stinks because I was planning on hanging out in the green room and being a fly on the wall... Dang it.

Apparently Andy has far to much going on, what with ruling the reality TV world and all, so the ladies will be traveling to New York City to film with Andy at the end of May.

While all of the husbands have been invited, I am hearing that not all of them are keen to take a seat on the couch and face questioning from Cohen. It will be interesting to see who actually attends... although I have a feeling that despite the cold feet from some, we will see all five husbands there to support their women.

Official "Friend" of the show, Marie Reyes, has been invited to have her moment to talk about the drama that led to the demise of her 20-year friendship with LeeAnne Locken. As of today, there is no official word from Bravo as to when the reunion will air... Stay tuned.

This leads to the next burning question on every fan's mind: how many episodes will reunion be?! I am surmising that no one knows at this point. I deduce that they will film the show, and based on how juicy the footage is - Andy and team will decide if it's a multi-epsiode reunion or not. I can tell you that based on the claw sharpening I've seen happening over the past few weeks (on and off the show), they are going to have a lot to work with.

This is my guess at the Real Housewives of Dallas, Season One Reunion seating chart. You agree?

The question of a second season is still up in the air and insiders tell me that it could be after the reunion before a decision is made. Let me remind you that casting for a docu-drama began in August 2014 and the pitch was for a show tentatively titled "How To Make It In Dallas". The premise of the show was about a group of women whose relationships revolved round the charity circuit. In March 2015, Bravo shocked everyone (including the cast) when it announced Ladies of Dallas to their lineup as a follow-up to their smash hit Ladies of London. A source tells me that once filming wrapped and they started editing the show, Bravo execs were ecstatic over the footage and in a unanimous decision it was decided that the show would launch as Real Housewives of Dallas. So, if you have felt that what you are watching doesn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite fit the Housewife template, that is why. And if you've wondered why on earth they are talking about charity so much, that is why. So, now that the cast understands what they are filming, I feel like a second season would more easily gel with the Housewife format and be better received by the public at large who are very familiar with this franchise. So, fingers and toes crossed that Andy decides to give our girls another go. Until then, at least we have the reunion to look forward to!!

Click here to read more exclusive stories and get behind the scene stories on the cast of RHOD. Tune in to the Real Housewives of Dallas every Monday at 10/9c on Bravo.