
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Elizabeth Vargas Leaves A Legacy For Magdalen House

The Magdalen House’s 2nd Annual Leave a Legacy Dinner: An Evening with Elizabeth Vargas, hosted over 420 guests, aiming to raise funds for their recovery community for alcoholic women and their families. This year, the agency was excited to host previous ABC’s 20/20 Anchor, Elizabeth Vargas, as the event’s keynote speaker. Best known for her 14 years as co-anchor of ABC’s 20/20 with David Muir, The New York Times has credited Vargas with reinvigorating the news magazine format with her “intellectually brave” reporting. Vargas’s memoir Between Breaths: A Memoir of Panic and Addiction was released in conjunction with a special episode of 20/20, in which Vargas and Diane Sawyer discussed her experiences, explored the link between anxiety and alcohol abuse, and interviewed experts as well as people recovering from addiction.

“More than 108,000 women are alcohol-dependent in the Dallas County area,” said Lisa Kroencke, Executive Director of The Magdalen House. “We believe that our no-cost treatment program, provided in a safe and supportive environment, with accurate information about the problem and the solution, will help women recover from alcoholism.” she said.

“Vargas's commitment to advocating for women, as well as her experience and understanding of alcoholism, qualifies her to empower countless Dallas women,” Kroencke said. “Her message is consistent with our mission, and spreads hope to alcoholic women and their families.”

The 2018 Advocate Award winner, Paul Tate. Paul thoughtfully and passionately spreads awareness of the solution to alcoholism and the programs The Magdalen House offers to help women and their families recover.

The mission of The Magdalen House is to help women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles. The event raised a gross total of $325,095 and those funds will go directly toward the free programming and services that The Magdalen House provides to the community. The agency is home to the only peer-implemented program of its kind in the local community and is a place that women can receive services to at any point in their recovery.